Treatment of the Early Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy
Department of Vitreoretinal Surgery, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
A - Koncepcja i projekt badania; B - Gromadzenie i/lub zestawianie danych; C - Analiza i interpretacja danych; D - Napisanie artykułu; E - Krytyczne zrecenzowanie artykułu; F - Zatwierdzenie ostatecznej wersji artykułu
Data nadesłania: 20-11-2024
Data akceptacji: 16-12-2024
Data publikacji: 04-01-2025
Ophthalmology 2024;27(4):7-10
Diabetes is considered an epidemic of the 21st century, and the most common microvascular complication, which affects every third patient, is diabetic retinopathy. In the course of retinopathy, the endothelial barrier of the retinal vessels is damaged, which begins with damage to the glycocalyx. Sulodexide rebuilds the glycocalyx and increases the tightness of the blood-retinal barrier, thereby protecting the retinal vessels against damage caused by hyperglycemia. Its multidirectional mechanism of action makes it an effective drug in the treatment of mild and moderately advanced non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. It is recommended by many scientific societies in the treatment of vascular diseases. Clinical studies confirm its high effectiveness in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, especially when this disease is accompanied by macular edema. Sulodexide is an effective and safe drug.
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